Analyzing of Drill Stem Test (DST) Result for Dual Porosity Limestone Reservoir

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  • Zheno Kareem Ahmed Petroleum and Energy, Technical College of Engineering, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Iraq
  • Halkawt Ismail Ismail M-Amin Accounting Dukan Technical Institute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani-Iraq


The aim of this paper is to discuss and evaluate the result of DST which was conducted in a limestone reservoir of an oil field at the depth interval 3764.29-3903.0 meter in well-1 to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of the reservoirs, for instance: skin effect, permeability, wellbore storage, reservoir boundary and average reservoir pressure. Reservoir Pressure profiles has been recorded for both Buildup and draw down intervals.  Semi-log and log-log coordinates have been used to plot the pressure signature date of both buildup period and its derivative to improve diagnostic and Horner plot. In addition, a dual porosity reservoir and infinite acting characteristic was discovered as a result of the well test data interpretation. Wellbore storage, skin factor and transient flow effects have been detected in the DST analysis on the dual porosity behavior due to phase re distribution.  Using final buildup sections, the flow parameters of dual porosity reservoir were determined as the flow between fissure and matrix was (7.558 x 10-6) while, the storability ratio between fissure and matrix was calculated as 0.3 and permeability is 102 MD for both matrix and the fissure together. However, negative value of skin factor mostly appears in double porosity limestone reservoirs, positive skin factor of the reservoir has been observed in this study. It can be considered that the positive skin factor can be resulted in either the formation was partially penetrated and /or wells were not cleaned up properly.


DST, dual porosity, wellbore storage, average reservoir pressure, storability ratio, skin factor.


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How to Cite

Z. K. Ahmed and H. I. Ismail M-Amin, “Analyzing of Drill Stem Test (DST) Result for Dual Porosity Limestone Reservoir”, KJAR, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 240–251, Aug. 2017, doi: 10.24017/science.2017.3.45.

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